Us Brits are known worldwide for our manners and etiquettes, yet when it comes to a fitness class we are not always sure of how things role.

Truth is there aren’t really any set rules. It is a very different environment to anything else, here’s some things to think about before your next class………………….


  1. “Don’t go in Margaret’s spot!”


Humans are creatures of habit, so it’s natural to gravitate towards the same spot in the room each week we go to class, it just feels more “safe”. If you want a certain spot then arrive early. However, that doesn’t mean a certain space “belongs” to anyone in particular, the room/studio is there for everyone equally and you may stand/sit/lie wherever you wish. In fact in Yoga it is encouraged to move around from week to week to get a different perspective.


  1. ‘Are you wearing deodorant?”


Fitness classes can get very sweaty, very quickly, particularly cardio classes. It doesn’t make you an alien if you’re sweating It just means you are smashing your workout! Just be sure to have showered recently and that you wear deodorant for class, to avoid any embarrassment and out of curtesy for your fellow participants.


  1. “I can see a full moon!”


………And no, I don’t mean a Yoga pose! Make sure you wear appropriate clothing. Your Primark leggings are see through, in case you didn’t realise. Be sure to wear full undies or you’ll be giving someone a treat during downwards facing dog!


  1. “Turn Down your phone”


This is your time to disconnect from the outside world, to look after your mind and body, to switch off from technology. So please do switch your mobile to silent, it can be disturbing when people are trying to meditate or relax in savasana.


  1. “Do NOT walk on my Yoga mat”


A persons Yoga mat is their personal space, particularly if it belongs to them. It is deemed extremely bad manners to step on someone else mat, because you are entering their personal space uninvited.

When using a communal mat proved by the gym or Yoga Teacher, do not walk on it with shoes on. Dirt from outside can get on the mat and someone else might have to put their face in that spot during the next class.


  1. “Please tidy up after yourself“


It is curtesy to tidy away your equipment at the end of class and put any of your rubbish in the bin.


  1. “Give feedback”


Tell your Instructor how awesome you thought the class was today and why (this isn’t to give them an ego boost, it’s so that they know to do more of what you love when prepping content for your next class). Tell them if you’d like to do something in a different way that would make your experience even better.


  1. “Have fun”


Yes you are there to exercise, lose weight, trim, tone, blah, blah, blah…….. but most importantly relax, let go and have some much deserved FUN!


Written by Samantha Derry, Jan 2020.