Ever wondered what really goes through the mind of your Fitness Instructor when they are leading a group exercise class? Having worked in various gyms, studios and community hall venues over the years here are some of the main things that have been spinning through my mind…


1. The “Teachers pet”

Most likely to be at the front of the class, they are first there and the last to leave. They know the routines well and attend class regularly. All traits that as a child in school could be considered irritating however as an adult it is quite endearing. As an Instructor if I go in a daydream (and lets face it we all do at work at some point) I know I can have a quick look in my peripheral vision at them to see where we are up to, the funny side being they know if I’ve gone wrong and start to improvise!


2. The “Uncoordinated freestyler”

The music is playing, the atmosphere is electric and the class are following instruction, well everyone that is apart from this person. If the group are circling their hips, our “uncoordinated freestyler” are throwing some shapes of their own! We go left, they go right, we shimmy, they shake, we go forwards, they go backwards. I’ll tell you a secret though…… it makes my heart smile. This person is showing that they are having a fabulous time and giving it their all. Who cares if the choreography isn’t en pointe when you are moving and getting a cardio workout. Just remember, they are streets ahead of those sat at home watching Corrie!


3. The “Token bloke”

When I get a man in my class I do a little happy dance inside my head, because who says group exercise is just for women? In fact a lot of the classes I teach were initially created by men. Thousands of years ago when Yoga originated in ancient India women were not allowed to practice Yoga, only men, imagine that! Pilates was created by Joseph Pilates himself and Zumba’s Chief Creator being the awesome Beto Perez. So come on blokes, get yourself down to class and you never know, you might just enjoy it.

4. I am not a Doctor

Yes I’ve studied anatomy and physiology to gain my fitness qualifications, however I am not a qualified Doctor who can diagnose your condition. I always have time for people to talk to me about their health and body so that I can help adapt or modify exercises where appropriate, however please make sure you see your GP first so they can make a diagnosis, then once they have I can tailor your workout to suit you according to their advice.


5. Unexpected bodily sounds

Snoring, coughing, sneezing, grunting, and the dreaded breaking of wind! Lay down in Svasana deep in meditation your whole body feels relaxed, the room is silent and the snoring begins. You may be concentrating on lifting the hips in Downwards Facing Dog and then it happens, you break wind and you don’t know if it’s from the front or back! Yep, it happens and it’s perfectly normal. In fact the reality is no one really cares, so don’t feel embarrassed.


6. “Gonna have to wing it”

A lot of time and preparation goes into your fitness class, perhaps a lot more than you may realise. Hours spent either learning or creating choreography for dance fitness classes or putting together a well-rounded class that works different parts of the body and maybe even choosing to do a theme for Yoga/Pilates. However, there are times when you walk into a class, begin the warm up and even sometimes half way through an exercise when my mind will shout “abort, abort” because all the stuff you had planned for the session simply is not suitable for the participants that have decided to come to class today. Perhaps they need it to be modified, adapted or even made more challenging. That’s when it’s time to use my experience throw the plan out the window and improvise.


7. “It’s showtime”

It’s not easy to stand up in front of a crowd of people who are listening to your every word and watching your every move. I’m conscious that you are here for a fabulous workout that keeps you coming back for more, but as well as the actual content there are so many other things I have to consider. It is my time to be a motivator, educator, nurturer and an entertainer. To be inspiring, positive and engaging. The gym studio/community hall is my stage, when the class begins it’s “curtains up” and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Written by Samantha Derry, March 2019.